21 Jun 1a’s trip to Waitrose
This week was work week in St Dominic’s. As part of work week 1a went to Waitrose in Westfield. Some of 1a have written a report on the trip. On Thursday 20th June 2013 we went to Waitrose in Westfield. We took a train….
This week was work week in St Dominic’s. As part of work week 1a went to Waitrose in Westfield. Some of 1a have written a report on the trip.
On Thursday 20th June 2013 we went to Waitrose in Westfield. We took a train. It was fun and fast. When we got to Waitrose we had a partner. We drank some drinks and ate some fruit and vegetables. We were practising shopping. – Princess 1a
On Thursday 20th June we went to Waitrose. We took a train and it was fun. We drunk some water, we ate some fruit and then we used the tills. They gave us goody bags then we went back to school. – Joyce 1a
On Thursday 20th June 1a went on a trip. 1a walked to the train station. 1a went on the train. It stopped two times. 1a got off the train and went down the escalators. We met Sue, Alice and James. 1a got split into 3 groups. Alice’s group got fruit first, then we got vegetables. The fruits we ate were strawberries, peaches and raspberries. Then Alice’s group drank lemon water, next strawberry water and last raspberry water. Then Alice’s group scanned the food. Then 1a got biscuits, a drink and a goody bag. 1a went on the train and got back to school. The end. – Scarlet 1a
When we finished with Asha we cheered for the helpers. We had juice and biscuits, then left with buddy bags. On the way back we went to the toilets. We passed the shops on the way back to school. – Sylvio 1a
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