Reception Enjoy a Cultural Wow Day!
We had a feast worthy of kings!...
We had a feast worthy of kings!...
We enjoyed a truly fascinating day at the Postal Museum!...
Year 2 enjoyed a marvelous day in the heart of London visiting one of its most famous landmarks. ...
Year 6 immensely enjoyed their Wow Day and are looking forward to learning more about this special topic. ...
Miss Slingsby and a class member were chosen to participate in a zoo demonstration about penguins! They had to dress as Penguins to help illustrate how they survive in the wild. They are flightless birds that have evolved to swim with flippers. Penguin’s black and white plumage...
On Monday July 15th 2019, year 2 visited the zoo and made some furry friends. The children had a wonderful time and were able to learn about different species from around the world. Stroking the goats was certainly a firm favourite. [gallery ids="3734,3735,3736,3737,3738,3739,3740,3741,3742"]...
During Wow Day each year group was able to participate in a range of fun activities. Year 1 were learning about plants and art while Reception were learning about mini-beasts. Years 2 and 5 were learning about the environment and climate change. The year 5s were also...
For World Book Day we all dressed up as our favourite characters. We were able to read stories, talk about stories and make up our very own stories. These are some of our wonderful costumes from the day. [gallery ids="3701,3700,3699,3696,3697,3698,3693,3690,3691,3692"]...
This term (July 1st - July 5th), EYFS all the way up to Year 6, have enjoyed a rich and engaging week of science, technology, engineering and maths lessons. The company 'inspire' supplied us with a diverse range of resources and volunteers to show the...
For WOW DAY we transformed our classroom into a nocturnal habitat. We made sure no light could pass through the windows or cracks in the doors. We lit our room with LED candles and fairy lights to create low-level lighting. Once it was dark we thought...