In Jesus we Love, Learn, Hope, Trust and Care
Catholic Life – Prayer and Worship
Worship and prayer are central to the life of our school for pupils and staff, providing engaging and creative experiences of the richness of the Catholic tradition.
The celebration of the Eucharist and other sacramental celebrations are offered at key times of the liturgical year, pupils actively participate in there planning and preparation.
Commissioning Mass
On Wednesday 15th September we celebrated our Commissioning Mass for our year 6 pupils in our school playground.
On this special occasion our year 6 pupils where commissioned to be leaders within our school community and received a cross to mark their leadership of the school.
Staff made a pledge to support their children in their Religious Education and commitment to their faith. Staff received a special candle to symbolise the guidance they will offer throughout the year to the pupils in their care.
Parents made a promise to support the school and their children on their faith journey.
Father Patrick led the service and the children read and sang beautifully!
Remembrance Service
We had our Remembrance Service to remember those who lost their lives in the two World Wars but in particular to remember the armistice on 11.11.19. The service was respectfully led by our year 5 pupils and our Head Teacher, the service ended with a two-minute silence at 11.00am.
Our school sold poppies, snap rulers, wristbands, reflectors, pencils and erasers. All the money was donated to The Royal British Legion.
There was a special assembly on how those gone before us fought for justice and peace and how our injured service men and women are supported by the work of The Royal British Legion.
During our RE WOW Week KS1 sang Christmas Carols for KS2. Then KS2 performed for KS1.
The performances were recorded and uploaded onto our school Vimeo Page for everyone to enjoy: Away in the Manger, Collection of Carols and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. These videos are password protected to protect the identities and vulnerabilities of our students. Parents can enquire at the Office for further details.
Advent Mass and Nativity Celebrations
On Wednesday 15th December, the children dressed as their favourite Nativity characters and enjoyed Mass and sang Christmas Carols in the church with Fr. Patrick.
Also, the children participated in lots of fun Nativity activities in their classrooms.
Father Neil visited our year 2,5, and 6 children to speak to us about the Sacraments. The children learnt about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick, which linked to our RE unit. He also taught us about the Feast Day of St Blaise.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting, and, traditionally, people give up something they like or enjoy during Lent or do something extra.
We held a service where we received ashes from the palm branches that were blessed on Palm Sunday last year. Our School Doves led our KS1 and KS2 Mass. KS2 had a Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Dominic with Fr. Patrick, and for KS1, they had a service in the school hall with Fr. Neil.
Reconciliation Mass
As part of our Easter preparations, years 3, 4, 5 and 6 attended a Reconciliation service on Thursday led by Father Patrick in the Church. The service gave pupils the chance to reflect as they contemplated the solemn events of Holy Week.
St. Patrick’s Day
It was the feast of St. Patrick and our pupils were treated to a brilliant performance of Irish dancing from the St. Patricks Day Troupe featuring our very own Mr Conboy! The children learned about the different instruments that the troupe played and took part in some singing. They also learned how to say ‘Happy St. Patricks Day’ in Irish.
Stations of the Cross
On Monday 28th March and Wednesday 30th March, our School Doves re-enacted Jesus’ final moments with a procession of the Stations of the Cross. Father Patrick and Father Neil lead the narration of the Stations of the Cross. During the COVID partial lockdowns we began to think more imaginatively about our liturgies. We opted to re-enact Jesus’ final journey with an outdoor procession and depicting the Stations of the Cross. We continued this again this Lent as it was so successful.