At St.Dominic's we try to embed ICT creatively into as many learning opportunities as possible to prepare children fro the digital world. This afford children opportunities to understand how the digital world interacts with their physical world. It gives children a chance to see how digital media affects them. Children are encouraged to become independent users of software and hardware though exciting and challenging experiences. In the ever-changing digital world, we aim to provide all children with not only the skills to use the technology that exists today, but the life-long the thinking skills and passion to continue to develop their love for computing through secondary school and beyond.we promote digital citizenship through modelling how social media should be used responsibly with a strong focus on creating a good digital footprint. Our school blog shows children what a wonderful audience the internet can be. We aim to develop children’s computational thinking skills, knowledge of computer science concepts and application of digital literacy skills. Our children use information technology to create digital content that enables them to express themselves and develop their ideas as active participants in a digital world.