The Governing Body has a statutory duty to oversee the direction, policies and finances of the School, to monitor its standards and to be held to account for its conduct and performance.
Welcome to our website’s Governing Body pages.
All schools have a Governing Body.
St Dominic’s is a Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School. A voluntary aided (VA) school is a state-funded school in England and Wales in which a foundation or trust, which in the case of St Dominic’s is the Westminster Diocesan Education Service of the Catholic Church, contributes to building costs and has a substantial influence in the running of the school.
The Diocese of Westminster owns the land and the Governing Body are trustees and have a duty to look after the School buildings and site on behalf of the Bishop. Parents and carers are asked for contributions towards the cost of maintaining and improving the School buildings and grounds. The Governing Body is the legal employer of all the staff who work at the School. This is very different from community schools where the local authority owns the land and buildings and the local authority employs the staff.
Governors are volunteers: they are not paid. The Instrument of Governance for St Dominic’s provides for 14 Governors: 8 Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop, 2 Elected Parent Governors, 1 Elected Staff Governor, 1 Local Authority Governor appointed by the Governing Body on behalf of the LA, the Head teacher and 1 Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Body. The Governors elect a Governor to be Chair of Governors. The Governing Body appoints a Clerk to record its meetings and provide advice and guidance to Governors.
The Foundation Governors have a special responsibility to the Bishop to uphold the Catholicity of the School.
The Governing Body works closely with the Head teacher, who is the educational professional in charge of the School and responsible for the day-to-day management and organisation of the School.
The Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for the School and determines the Admissions Policy and admissions of children to the School.
Enquiries about the Governing Body and the governance of the School should be addressed either to Mrs Eileen Bryant, Chair of Governors, or to Mr Martin Golding, Clerk to the Governing Body, at the School’s address.