Interested in becoming a School Governor?
Please let us know. We would like to hear from you. Ask about becoming a School Governor in the School Office, or speak with the Head teacher, the Chair of Governors or contact the Clerk to the Governing Body. Governors are volunteers.
St Dominic’s Catholic Primary School has a Governing Body with 14 Governors as set out by
its Instrument of Government. There are 8 Foundation Governors who are appointed by the
Bishop. Application forms to apply to serve as a Foundation Governor are available from the
Clerk to the Governing Body and via the School Office. There are 2 Parent Governors elected
by the parents of the children in the School. There are 2 Staff Governors, one is the Head
teacher and the other is elected by the Staff employed at the School. There is a Local
Authority Governor appointed by the Governing Body in consultation with the Local
Authority. There is 1 Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Body. A Governor is
normally appointed for a term of 4 years.
Currently, there are vacancies for Foundation Governors.
What is the role of the Governing Body and Governors?
Governors assist with the strategic and financial management of the School, agree, monitor
and challenge the targets for the children’s progress and attainment and agree the School’s
development and improvement plans which they also monitor. As St Dominic’s is a
Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School the Governing Body shares responsibility for the
buildings and premises in a trusteeship with the Diocese of Westminster. The Governing
Bodies of Voluntary Aided Schools are also the legal employer of the Staff employed in the
The Foundation Governors, appointed by the Bishop, have particular responsibility for
upholding the Catholic Ethos of the School.
What does serving as a Governor involve?
Governors should commit to attending all Governing Body meetings, usually twice a term in
the evening. Meetings normally start at 6 p.m. and last about 2 hours. In addition
attendance at Committees of the Governing Body, which meet from time to time, is
required. Governors are expected to visit the School by arrangement with the Head teacher
to carry out monitoring visits about once a term. Governors are encouraged to attend
School Masses, functions and events.
Training and Conferences
The Diocese of Westminster and Hackney Learning Trust provide a range of training courses
for new and experienced Governors. These courses are free of charge.