27 Nov Safeguarding Catholic Education
Critical decision expected from government on admissions cap for Catholic pupils in Catholic schools.
The Deputy Director of Education for our diocese, Amanda Crowley, has recently written to us regarding the admissions cap which currently prevents Catholic schools from admitting Catholic children only into their schools. Below is her communication which contains a link for all stakeholders to make their voices heard:
‘Dear Colleague
The Government will be shortly making a critical decision on whether to overturn the admissions cap which prevents Catholic schools from allowing all Catholic pupils to attend. The Secretary of State has acknowledged this policy has been ineffective and has adversely affected Catholic families. The next few weeks will be critical for convincing the government to honour the promise made to the Catholic community to remove the cap.
Although the CES have been actively working to lobby and influence behind the scenes, a very public final campaign is now needed to ensure our voices are heard. Each Bishop will be writing to each parish to encourage members of the congregation to write, email or call local MPs and the office of the Secretary of State.
Please do encourage your school communities, governors, staff and parents to make their voice heard. A very easy way to do this is through the following CES link http://www.catholiceducation.org.uk/guidance-for-schools/item/1003640-safeguard-the-future-of-catholic-education which can be shared in newsletters, on websites and through social media.
Very best wishes
Amanda Crowley
Deputy Director of Education
Diocese of Westminster Education Service’
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