Year 2 Class Teachers: C Slingsby & Y Price 2019 - 2020
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Literacy |
Non-chronological book A brochure for The
Avengers - All about Hackney/London. Narrative Story about Hackney/London/superheroes
Poems with a familiar setting |
Stories from far away African stories Lila and the Secret of Rain, Chinye,
etc. Instructions How to make a healthy
sandwich; How to make a puppet (Avengers puppet) Christmas Poetry
& Letter Writing |
Traditional Stories The real story of the three little pigs by A. Wolf (Link
with materials) Recount Write a diary entry
from the Great Fire of London or write a recount of trip to the
Fire Station Stories by the same
author Julia
Donaldson |
Non-chronological report
a bat, owl, racoon or a cat make a good pet? Poetry Night-time poems. What happens at night? Narrative - Mr Morris
Lessmore & his Fantastic Flying Books |
Explanations / Narrative The
Detective Dog Letter Writing /
Narrative / Report Writing Dear Greenpeace |
Narrative The lighthouse keepers
lunch Stories with familiar
A pirates life Stories with familiar
settings Story
competition writing.
Numeracy |
PA Maths Programme Number Place Value, Comparing, Ordering Addition Regrouping in 1s/10s Subtraction Regrouping in 1s and 10s |
PA Maths Programme Number Place Value, Comparing, Ordering Addition Subraction Money Data Handling |
PA Maths Programme Multiplication Division Fractions Time Length / Mass |
PA Maths Programme Number Pattern Multiplication Fractions Shape Money |
PA Maths Programme Length Mass Time Shape and Pattern Angle and Turn Data Handling |
PA Maths Programme Number Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Volume |
R.E. |
Beginning with the Church |
From Advent to Christmas |
Being a Sacramental
People - Eucharist |
Lent to Easter |
From Easter to Pentecost Buddhism |
Discipleship |
Science |
Humans How can we be health
heroes like ___? |
Animals including humans What do we need to do
to take care of our pet? - What do we need to do to take care of ourselves? |
Everyday materials What is our school made
of? What is our home made of? What were the houses made of during the
GFL? |
Light & Dark Electricity What requires
electricity? Hoe can animals see in the dark? |
Plants How can we grow our
own salad? |
Living things and
Would a sea monster? Why or why
not? What do they need? Where do they live? |
ICT/ Computing |
Link with art and numeracy. We are photographers (links with art-sketches) |
We are researchers (links with history Book Creator/powerpoint) Green Screen to retell story |
Puppet Pals Book Creator - Chatterpix |
We are animals in our habitats (Programming Scratch) Book Creator |
We are botonists (link with science, collecting data about
plants Excel/ picasa/ google maps/ google earth) |
We are games testers (Scratch what is making this sound?) |
Geography |
What would The Avengers find interesting about Hackney/
London? |
Places around the world. Where would you rather live? In England/Africa? |
-Where in London did the GFoL affect? |
Where in the world do night time animals come from? |
What is happening to the environments we inhabit? |
Why do we love to be beside the seaside? (Geography) |
History |
What major events happened in Hackney/London? What impacts did that have? |
African/English history |
What was London like during The Great Fire of London? |
How has Florence Nightingale helped to make the world a
better place? |
What is climate change? How can we prevent it? |
Beach towns Beach Traditions Famous scientists |
Art |
Photographs for brochure of local area. Paint pictures of local area (mixing
paints). |
Expressive art Create African music. Knowledge African artists, Martin Bulinya |
The last supper art. Charcoal sketchings (link with Great Fire) Design a fire safety suit. |
Expressive art Create the sounds of animals using
instruments. Paint Water paint the seaside |
Knowledge: Looking at artist Acrimboldo (Science). Art & Design techniques: Shade, patterns, texture in
nature through rubbings and nature sculptures. |
Pop up books. |
Music |
Black history Month African/Caribbean songs Musical instruments (rhythm) |
African songs and instruments |
Chinese New Year songs stringed instruments Old English songs Fire! Fire! |
Night-time songs |
Spring-time and Summer songs |
Spring-time and Summer songs |
DT |
Create a healthy sandwich. |
Create shadow puppets. |
Create a home for our pet. |
Create a nightime diorama. |
Create a healthy planet to live in. |
Pop up books. |
Postal Museum |
Museum of London Mary S Nurse visit Science Museum Nocturnal Animals Visit |
Climate change activist visit, Epping Forest |
London Zoo Park Picnic Seaside Water painter visit |
Visits |