16 Jan Year 2 Visit the Postal Musuem
We enjoyed a truly fascinating day at the Postal Museum!
As a part of our Jolly Postman Topic we visited the wonderful Postal Museum.
When we arrived we took part in a role play learning session which taught us about the history of the postal service. We learnt that in the early 1800’s the people whop received the letters rather than the senders were the ones who had to pay for their mail. If you couldn’t afford it…. you couldn’t read it. Gasp! We were given an opportunity to act out a story that involved mail thieves, a stagecoach and some animals that had escaped from the circus. It was very entertaining.
After the session we took a trip across the road to ride on the very small Mail Rail Train. We were concerned the adults accompanying us would’t fit. It was a tight squeeze. The train went through a maze of tunnels and taught us about each decade of its existence.
At last we reached the Sorted room! This room gave us an opportunity to act as postmen and women. We dressed up, sorted letters, priced them up, scanned them for addresses and delivered them.
Finally we went to the main gallery exhibition and learnt so much about the postal service as well as taking part in investigative activities. We dressed up. We turned our faces into stamps. We wrote postcards and we even became Mail detectives investigating mail fraud.
It was an incredible day and year 2 are very grateful to the people who donated money so we could enjoy this trip.
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