In Jesus we love, learn, hope, trust and care.

Please look below for a list of learning resources. If you have any queries please contact the office or your child’s teacher. We are happy to help where we can.

Home Learning Web Links

In this difficult time we understand that many parents are having to conduct home learning sessions. Below is a list of resources and links that can help you with your endeavour to teach your child at home. If you have any questions please email us and we will reply as soon as we can.

Padlet Timetable for Learning - Lockdown 1

This is a general timetable for all year groups. This timetable is flexible and aimed at giving parents ideas for home learning.

Reception and Nursery Timetable for Learning - Lockdown 1

This timetable is for all Reception and Nursery children to enjoy. Do as many tasks as you can but make sure you put your mental health and well-being first. Teachers are on hand via email should you need anything.

Year 2 Timetable for Learning - Lockdown 1

This is the timetable for year 2 children. Complete what you can but do remember that your well-being and health come first. Teachers are on hand via email to help in anyway they can.

Year 2 Helpful Videos for Learning

Below are some instructional videos to help you support your child's learning at home. If there are some areas you would like specific help with, then please contact your child's teacher and they will support you as much as they can.

Year 3 and 4 Resources - Lockdown 1

On this page you will find resources for year 3 and 4. Please look through the resources carefully and see which ones you would like to use at home.

From All The Staff - We Miss You!

We decided to put something together to show you all how much we miss you! Stay safe and enjoy...

Half Term Activities! For All Age Groups

Half term is here! Do some fun and exciting things with your family. Let your teachers know all about them, they love to hear from you. Try to visit your local green spaces. Stay safe, stay happy!